While Texas Cattle Dog Rescue’s primary focus is rescue, we know that spaying and neutering is key to reducing the number of unwanted heelers that end up in shelters or on the streets. That’s why we created TCDR’s Heeler Fix, offering free spays and neuters for heelers and heeler mixes in Texas.
Since we started this program, we've helped pet owners spay/neuter more than 520 dogs. This has prevented numerous unwanted puppies.
To qualify, you must live in Texas, own an Australian Cattle Dog/red or blue heeler or heeler mix dog that you are unable to have fixed without causing financial hardship. Simply drop an email to heelerfix@texascattledogrescue.com. Include your ZIP code and contact info. For your dog(s), include dog’s name, sex, age, approximate weight and a photo. We will get back to you to arrange for the surgery. We want as many pet owners as possible to take advantage of this program.
(Note: This program is not open to other rescue organizations or to shelters, sorry.)
Donate to TCDR’s Heeler Fix to help us increase the number of animals we can fix and decrease the number of unwanted heelers. All donations are tax deductible.
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